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Except for Flora and Grass all our books are available  from Amazon. Click on the cover to go to the Amazon store for your region. Flora and Grass are available from The Book Dragon. Click below to order.
What did you do during the Covid pandemic?

Available from Amazon.  Click on the cover to go to the Amazon page for your region for details of prices and delivery options.


These two books offer a tongue-in-cheek account of what a couple of UK residents got up to at this terrible time. They are set against the background of national and international events and the progress and eventual control of the Covid viruses. Lavishly illustrated with the author's own drawings and photographs.

Glories of our meadows

'Grass'and 'Flora' can be obtained from a range of independent bookshops but not from Amazon.

For more information, or to order direct from us, please click the cover and email us with the title of the book(s) you're interested in. We'll take it from there.

Ever since our ancestors settled to cultivate the land, humans have depended on the constantly renewing marvel of grass. Often overlooked, these plants are some of the nation’s gems, nature’s crown jewels. This lavishly illustrated celebration introduces them and invites you to enjoy.

Click here to order.


It took 6,000 years to create the species-rich grassland for which the UK is famous, but since the 1930s over 97% of our beautiful wildflower meadows has been lost. This lavishly illustrated treasure records and celebrates a precious heritage, and reminds us of its beauty, its fragile nature, and the often unseen wildlife that it sustains.

Click here for sample pages

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This pocket guide comes free with the Flora coffee-table hardback, or it can be ordered separately from Amazon by clicking on the cover.

Do you sometimes look at a wildflower and struggle to remember its name? This little book is the perfect companion for those country walks. Click on the cover to order from Amazon.

You can find out more about Sally Featherstone and read her blog here.

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